
re.biography - holiday insurance from 1.2. to 22.12.2024


Nothing should spoil the anticipation of your re.vita vacation. Nevertheless, unforeseeable events can occur that make it impossible for you to start or finish your vacation. Your cancellation or early departure will be disadvantageous for you and us. 

We normally charge for the cancellation of a booking, a process that is always a source of frustration and frustration, especially when you have already been affected by a misfortune.

That is why we would like to show you the advantage of re.vita holiday insurance:

By paying a small fee, you can protect yourself against default payments.

The re.vita holiday insurance comes into effect if you are unable to start your holiday with us or have to cut it short due to a serious accident, sudden serious illness, which you can prove to us with a medical certificate, serious damage to your property (apartment or house) or death.

In addition, the protection also applies if one of the aforementioned events affects one of your close first-degree relatives.

The fee for an arrangement price is:

up to 750,-- € = 40,-- €

up to 1,500,-- € = 45,-- €

up to 2,500,-- € = 50,-- €

up to 3,000,-- € = 55,-- €

up to 5,000,-- € = 75,-- €

up to 5,000,-- € = 95,-- €

If you decide to use this advantageous method, please simply transfer the corresponding amount to the account of the

Savings bank in the district of Osterode

Account holder: revita seela GmbH & Co. KG

IBAN: DE 38 2635 1015 0006 0921 00


Please transfer the corresponding amount per room to the account mentioned above, stating your arrival date and your name.

The fee is a risk premium that will not be refunded under any circumstances.

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